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33°35'23.6"N 130°24'02.6"E

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I don't have any fixed days off.

It depends on the week.

It's irregular. my work prioritize.


I have good lawyers in my family. I remember everyone who has slandered me.

Someday when SNS ends, I will start the final war. See you in court. The compensation you will pay is a billion.

□ About Me.

One day, a man claiming to be the "grandson of a politician" visited me at work and tried to sell me stolen goods. I blamed him and turned him away, but somehow ended up losing my job at the railroad company. At that time, I forgot to ask him if his faction was "right or left," so I decided that anyway, all politicians, right or left, were my enemies and I would beat them all to a pulp. That's what I came to think.

Just as hereditary heredity is harmful, so are religious leaders, all of whom are saying many "good-looking" things in an attempt to fill the shoes of Setouchi Jakucho and Mudo Oda, but none of them are very convincing, and none of what they say is interesting at all. Citizen representatives who try to replace politicians are all bluster and bluster, but they are scum on the inside and cannot be trusted at all. The only people you can count on are lawyers who will work if you pay them, and the rest you can't count on at all. There is nothing funny, the only funny thing is when you are drinking beer.


Let's change the subject. I had thought that the spread of the epidemic would lead to a society where people could help and be there for each other a little, but I was wrong. My expectations were betrayed. Instead of helping each other in their small worlds, humans are rioting against each other, taking over their small worlds and continuing their ugly struggles. Tobacco fields are burning, delicious cigarettes are no longer produced, and delicious German beer is no longer imported. I never thought humans could be so stupid. I want my good cigarettes and my good German beer back! A handful of politicians, the rich, and the selfish crowd are ruining everything and ruining Mother Earth. The only way to solve everything now is to blow up the earth and make the universe quiet.

Oh. But I want to live a long life, so don't take what I write too seriously.


If something bad happens, I will go on a trip.

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